Welcome to LinkLocker!

LinkLocker makes it easy for you—and only you—to find the links you're looking for.

What is LinkLocker?

LinkLocker is a subscription bookmarking service with an emphasis on user privacy. We only keep a bare minimum of information about you on our servers, and we have no intention of sharing your data with anyone else, ever, for any reason. Please see our privacy page for more details. You might also familiarize yourself with our security policies and practices.

The Basics

LinkLocker lets you store links (and associated metadata, about which more will be said later...read on!) to Web content, and helps you easily find those links later. As you find content you'd like to store for later, you can add links to those items of content to your LinkLocker account. Later, when you want to find a link, you can search for it, or retrieve it in a number of different ways—all of which are explained in more detail within our Help pages.

Anatomy of a Typical Link

Each saved link can contain a number of different sorts of metadata, which are used to help you organize and retrieve your links later:

Tip: If you select a bit of text on the Web page before opening the extension or the bookmarklet, your selected text will populate the “description” input.