IBM researchers are presenting an AI-based malware approach at Black Hat. I would be very surprised if there aren't actual instances of "smart" malware like this already propagating in the wild.

There's a nascent boom for privacy lawyers and other sharks in the face of new legislation like GDPR. A change of business model to one which respects consumer privacy might be cheaper than infinite litigation--but we can't have that!

I've just added a new page which details LinkLocker's feature set. We've gotten a lot of feedback suggesting that prospective users want more info about how the service works, and I think this new page will answer a lot of questions. Glad to have this in place.

Another win for our collective privacy: the California legislature is sending a landmark privacy law to Jerry Brown's desk. Sounds kind of like a miniature, California-specific GDPR. The devil may lie in the details, but this would seem on the surface to be a positive step.

The Supreme Court has ruled that law enforcement agencies must obtain a warrant in order to access a target's cellular location data. Now let's require warrants for all types of digital data. Baby steps.

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