Poo Poo Point — Washington Trails Association
2025-03-05 18:24
Poo Poo Point lies on a shoulder of West Tiger Mountain, and a small knoll there is topped by a mast with a windsock. The knoll is only a few feet higher than the surrounding area, but it qualifies Poo Poo Point - if minimally - as one of West Tiger's summits.
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"category": "delicious victuals",
"description": "Corn pone (sometimes referred to as \"Indian pone\") is a type of cornbread made from a thick, malleable cornmeal dough (which is usually egg-less and milk-less) and cooked in a specific type of iron pan over an open fire (such as a frontiersman would use), using butter, margarine, shortening, or cooking oil.",
"id": "DYZoqOJbBEO48PLk"
"link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornbread",
"readlater": false,
"starred": true,
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"title": "Wikipedia: Corn Pone",
"ts": "2017-05-30 20:31"
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